At the time of this writing, most people in affluent countries purchase their food.  This was not true in the relatively recent past, nor is it likely to be in the future. The quality and quantity of food in the past was often poor.  Modern Corporate  food is generally of very low quality and of dubious origins.  Future food needs to be abundant, consistent, pure and grown in nutrient dense soils or aquaponics. Big corporations should not be entrusted with this task.

Production of food is often left to large corporations who are motivated by profit rather than principles of health. The recomendations here are not meant to inspire hobby gardening, but to create lasting change in personal sourcing of nutrition. It is within the realm of families and small groups of families. Growing one's own food insures a nutritious food source. It also teaches many helpful life lessons since the principles that underlie natural farming also form the foundation of a healthy human. A person's body is their earth, their farm, their field. Skin is like the soil surface. Muscles and the skeleton are like the soil and rocks. The cardiovascular system of blood and vessels and heart is like a farm irrigation system with drip lines and irrigation pump. Planning meal content and fasting times are like crop timing and companion planting. The lungs oxygenate the body even as fluffing soil and providing good airflow in greenhouses helps plants. Breeding and choosing the best seeds is like having children or novice farm workers that must be trained and instructed.

The Natural Human does not do well in urbanized unnatural settings divorced from nature and the production of food, nor are huge modern farms the answer. Daily integration with nature and with growing things is important for a balanced happy human.  Farming has evolved because of many factors, not all of which are now relevant. Certainly farming on planet earth is vastly different than Mars farming where air must be compressed. Even earth farming, once done in the open field without irrigation, is being restructured to grow vertically under led lights without soil. In the studies below, open field, enclosed space, greenhouse and wapini farming are looked at, with relevant natural approaches appropriate for a temperate Mediterranean climate with some irrigation available. The practice of Farming here can be approached on three levels: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.

Timing/Planning of Crops


Plant Nurseries

"In the name of Compassionate and Merciful Light"
Yesai the Nazorean 2021 - All Rights Reserved