5 Lights

Time, Calendar and Consciousness
"Our consciousness and society are profoundly affected by the calendar that we use. Time is the atmosphere of the mind. We perceive time with our minds, not with any of the five basic senses. A calendar is an artificial construct whose primary purpose is to keep track of time, most commonly to keep track of the passing of days. Because time is mentally perceived, the calendar we use creates constructs of the mind. Hence, the way we keep track of the passing of days creates constructs of consciousness within the society that is largely coordinated by its calendar." -Tussing, et al
Like a computer running on an ancient operating system, modern minds are still hampered by the subconscious limitations of the old Summerian seven, twelve and sixty fold time and calendar system.  Considered insignificant, this underlying influence of this sevenfold system of categorization remains unappreciated until supplanted by another system of time. The fivefold system outlined hereafter is offered as a means to free the mind from the shackles of the old and to open up new possibilities. If for no other reason, a repeating pattern of 5 instead of 7 or 12 represents a speeding up of cycles.
Time Segmentation (Earth)

5 Great Years

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